colors and a bit of science

I want to tell about the publication ¨Werners nomenclature of colors¨ by Patrick Syme, published 1821. It is a classification with names and descriptions of colors as they occur in nature. It was the German geologist Gottlob Werner who published in 1774 a description of minerals. The minerals were described …

making natural watercolors

I have been making watercolors. That is, I picked dyeplants from the garden and in the wild and dyed wool with them, and found out I could turn the used dyebaths into a pigment. I have gathered rock, brick and sand and turned them into pigments as well. And with …


It is a blessing to be able to make, in this time with Covid19 and much uncertainty. So many people are or will be suffering. At the moment I feel rather safe and in a safe place. But I agree this crisis may be an exercise for an even bigger …


A while ago I made prints with seaweeds I have found on the beach at Scheveningen. Their shapes are so interesting. Washed ashore it looks like a green ore black blurb, under water they unfold and appear to be a different thing. It is nice to imagine the world under …

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